People Pleasing, Relationships, Stress, Work

Laura’s Story: Responding Defensively to Work Stress

I struggle with work stress as a high school counselor. The stress varies from situation to situation, but each produces a similar reaction in me: defensiveness. People often come to me with questions and I generally love sharing my knowledge. However, sometimes when I am asked certain questions, I can react short and defensively. Also,… Read More Laura’s Story: Responding Defensively to Work Stress

Anger, Emotions, Family, People Pleasing, Relationships, Worry

Mary’s Story: Dealing with a Challenging Sister-in-Law

Our family dynamics changed when my sister-in-law entered the picture. My family is loving, kind, grace-giving, supportive, and rarely has conflict. But my sister-in-law is the opposite; it’s hard to handle her unprovoked harshness, disrespect, rudeness, cutting and crass spirit. Most of our family gatherings are actually pleasant and fun (mainly because we are a… Read More Mary’s Story: Dealing with a Challenging Sister-in-Law

Anxiety, Marriage, Relationships, Sex & Pornography, Sexuality

Phoebe’s Story: Battling Decades of Sexual Sin

I’ve struggled with “sex stuff” on and off since the age of 16. I remember those initial desires and how they’ve ebbed and flowed over the years. As a teenager struggling to fight my urges and save myself for marriage, I let myself believe that masturbation wasn’t a sin since it wasn’t with anyone else.… Read More Phoebe’s Story: Battling Decades of Sexual Sin